UC Clermont

COVID-19 Campus Updates

The education, health and well-being of the UC Clermont College community is of utmost importance to our faculty, staff and administration. In an effort to keep the UC Clermont community informed and safe, please refer to the below information and links to resources.

COVID Reporting

Faculty, staff and students can report any exposures, illness or positive tests through the UC COVID Check app or send an email to uccovidcheck@ucmail.uc.edu for self-reporting. Any questions should be sent to the uccovidcheck@ucmail.uc.edu

In addition, please continue to read communications from the Provost, the UC COVID check team, and visit the UC Public Health website for updates.

COVID Vaccination

In response to the continuously evolving COVID-19 developments, the university is amending its COVID-19 practices. Beginning with the 2022 summer term, the university no longer requires but strongly recommends faculty, staff and students receive COVID-19 vaccines.  It is important to note that the university will continue to consult with medical and public health experts and may change its response as needed. According to the CDC, up-to-date vaccination, which includes boosters, is generally the most effective way to protect oneself and others from COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccination is available to members of the campus community through many medical providers and pharmacies, including UC Health, HealthSource and Hamilton County Health Collaborative. If you have any questions, you can contact the COVID Check Hotline at 513-558-1773 or 513-558-1772.

Additional Helpful Links

Safety and Facilities Information

In implementing our campus safety plan, these safety protocols will remain in effect until further notice.

1.  Before returning to campus for the first time, all employees must successfully complete a brief online information session administered by University Health Services to ensure awareness of the CDC and ODH guidelines. The tutorial can be found on the Success Factors website

2.  Before returning to campus for the first time, all supervisors and lab leaders must complete a health safety assessment of their workplace setting. Find more information, including deadlines for completion, on the Assessment of Workplace Settings website.

3.  Before coming to campus each day, all employees must complete a self-administered wellness check based on the CDC and ODH guidelines. The wellness check can be found on the Self-Administered Wellness Check website. All employees who have symptoms that may relate to COVID-19 should use the COVID Check App to report. 

4.  All employees must wear facial coverings on campus, except while eating or alone in a private space.  

5.  All employees must adhere to social-distancing requirements.

6.  All areas must clean and sanitize their workplace settings throughout the day. These efforts will supplement cleaning and sanitizing activities that will occur after hours by our facilities staff. Specific directions can be found on the Facilities Management website.

7.  All employees must continue to abide by restrictions on travel detailed on the Travel Restrictions website.

8.  All employees who meet the CDC’s definition of individuals at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 may continue to work remotely. CDC information on risk factors is available on the CDC website. Please contact Human Resources to submit a request to work remotely due to being at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

9.  For more information on mental health resources, please check out the Human Resources website.

10.   For more information regarding safety and wellness, please check out the Safe Work Environment and Wellness Resources website.