UC Clermont

Jordan Harris

Dreaming Big, Close to Home

UC Clermont provides foundation for one student's pre-med path.

For Batavia native Jordan Harris, one academic subject has always stood out. "I've always loved science — that's really been the only thing that's ever interested me in school," says Harris. When it came time to choose a career path, then, it seemed natural to combine his love for science with a passion for helping others. "Being able to use science to affect other people's lives is what created the drive to become a doctor."

To start working toward his ultimate goal of attending medical school, Harris didn't have to look far — he is currently a biology/pre-med major at UC Clermont. "The college presented me with the best opportunity to stay close to home while having the advantage of being affordable with close ties with Main Campus," Harris says. The latter was particularly important to him, since the sophomore plans to transfer to Clifton after this semester to continue his studies.

But Harris has found much more in UC Clermont than a starting point for his long academic journey. "My favorite part is the staff. I'm involved in both the chemistry and biology departments, and I'm close with both of my professors in those areas," Harris says. He's also vice president of the Chemistry Club, and has developed close ties with the tutors in The Learning Center (now the Academic Success Center), even when he found himself excelling in his courses. "They actually help me improve upon what I'm already good at, which is an amazing opportunity."

Harris isn't yet sure exactly where his medical ambitions will lead him, whether it's toward research or the emergency room. But he says his experience at UC Clermont has given him the confidence and foundation to help him reach his dreams. "I would tell another potential UCC student to not think of yourself as inferior to the students on Main Campus," Harris says. "You're getting the same great education at a closer and more affordable campus."