UC Clermont

Staff Council

Staff Council is a group of staff volunteers nominated by their peers to serve and represent the UC Clermont staff. Staff Council is an officially recognized organization at the college.

Staff Council is a facilitator for issues of importance to all staff. We provide an environment in which your concerns, questions or comments can be heard. Please feel free to contact any member of Staff Council if you have questions or concerns you would like to bring forward. Staff Council meetings are open to all to attend, and we encourage everyone to see firsthand what we do and how we do it.

If you want to get involved, you can nominate yourself or be nominated by a peer. Each elected representative serves a one- or two-year term. Elected Voting Members serve two-years terms while Alternates serve a one-year term. Alternates will take the role of a voting member in the case of a voting member having to step down from their position.

Staff Council meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. in  McDonough 202 (Dean's Conference Room) and via Microsoft Teams.

Open elections for Staff Council are held annually during the Spring Semester.  Nominations are taken in April and elections are held in May. The Staff Council consists of nine members,  serving a two-year term, and two alternates, serving a one-year term. Those staff who are elected and accept membership to the Council shall fill vacant positions through popular vote elections. Any staff member, except for staff members on the Administrative Council, have a Dean Title, or who hold faculty status are eligible to nominate and vote.

All staff members will be contacted by the Staff Council Elections Sub-Committee in April to request nominations. The Sub-Committee members will contact each nominated individual to confirm whether they accept or decline the nomination. A ballot will be circulated to all staff members for the popular vote in May. Election results will also be disseminated to all staff members in May. Terms will begin at the June Staff Council meeting.

For further information on the elections process please view the Staff Council Bylaws.

Minutes, Bylaws and Reports

Minutes, bylaws and reports can be  accessed internally by UC Clermont College staff and faculty. They can be found on the Staff Council Bearcats Landing page.

What is Staff Council?

Staff Council is a group of staff volunteers nominated by their peers to serve and represent the UC Clermont College Staff. Each elected representative agrees to serve a one- or two-year term.

What is the purpose of Staff Council?
We are committed to:

  • Collecting and disseminating information pertinent to staff issues.
  • Facilitating and encouraging collegiality.
  • Developing recommendations for new policies and changes in policies.
  • Promoting professional development and enrichment opportunities.

When and where does the Staff Council meet?

Meetings are generally held every month in the Dean's conference room. See above for the Meetings and Events calendar.

How can I become involved?

Staff Council encourages participation for staff members through its standing committees. If you would like more information or to become involved, contact a Staff Council member.

How can I become a member?

Elections are held each May. Any staff member, with the exception of members of the Administrative Council, can nominate themselves or another staff member.

Can I bring my questions and concerns to the Staff Council?

Any questions and concerns can be brought to the attention of any Staff Council member. If you would like to place an item(s) on the agenda please email the Staff Council secretary. The item(s) will then be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.

Can I voice my opinion to the Staff Council anonymously?

Please send a written correspondence to the Staff Council secretary. This information will in turn be shared with all council members and/or placed on the agenda of the next meeting as applicable.

What is Staff Council authorized to do?
Staff Council has the authority to:

  • Designate its officers.
  • Establish committees.
  • Make recommendations about issues and concerns relevant to the UCCC staff.
  • Place staff representatives on college-wide committees as permitted by the bylaws of Staff Council and college standing committees.

Chair | Kris LoFrumento
Vice Chair | Matthew Sauer
Secretary | Whitney Richardson
Treasurer| Ryan Hopper
Communications | Jeff Hurley

For full Staff Council Officers & Members please see the Bearcats Landing page at https://mailuc.sharepoint.com/sites/College-UCClermont/SitePages/Officers-&-Members.aspx


Staff Council General Email: clc-staffcouncil@uc.edu