UC Clermont

UC Clermont Academic Policies

The purpose of the "Academic Fresh Start" policy is to provide a student who performed poorly upon his or her initial enrollment at University of Cincinnati the opportunity for a fresh UC cumulative grade point average. Read more about Academic Fresh Start.

Information about FERPA and Privacy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (34 C.F.R. Part 99 - commonly known as FERPA), is the federal law that governs the release of and access to student education records. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Student can learn how to set up delegated access on the One Stop Student Services website.

The 2021 First–Year Covid Reboot is a special program for first–year students who may have faced academic difficulty transitioning to college, especially those who experienced difficulties caused by COVID-19. This ‘reboot’ provides an opportunity for a fresh UC cumulative grade point average necessary to achieve academic goals. This limited program will be offered to first–year students who entered Summer 2020, Fall 2020, or Spring 2021.  

Reboot Policy Information
A University of Cincinnati undergraduate student may petition their college to have their previous courses treated in accordance with the college’s academic fresh start policy.  

  • For the First–Year Covid Reboot program, the student’s University of Cincinnati start term must be Summer 2020, Fall 2020, or Spring 2021.  
  • The First–Year Covid Reboot is not automatic and is not guaranteed.  
  • The First–Year Covid Reboot is only available for students in colleges offering this option (students may choose to transition to another college if a major change is desired).  
  • Student applications will be submitted to their home college for approval (however, outreach will only happen for students whose home college has opted into this program). 
  • Applications will be distributed to students who are eligible. If a student believes they are eligible and did not receive an application, they may complete the 2021 First–Year Covid Reboot Program Application

The 2021 First–Year Covid Reboot will be reviewed and may be conditionally approved upon readmission to the University but must be submitted by the posted deadline. A request for the First–Year Covid Reboot applies only to courses taken at the University of Cincinnati prior to reenrollment.  

  • Conditional approval requires that students meet a minimum academic requirement of a 2.0 or higher term GPA in addition to any additional requirements as determined by the college (requirements vary by college).  
  • If the requirements are met as of the end of the conditional term, the First–Year Covid Reboot will receive final approval and be applied to the student’s academic record. 
  • Upon final approval of the First–Year Covid Reboot, the student’s University grade point average will be initiated from the date of reentry.  
  • Any courses and grades taken before reentry will remain on the student’s record but will not count towards their GPA calculation. 
  • The First–Year Covid Reboot (or Academic Fresh Start) option may be used only once during a student’s academic career.
Spring 2022

First–Year Covid Reboot may be eligible for funding up $1,500 for Spring Semester 2022.  Assistance may also be available for students who have an outstanding balance. The funds are on a first come, first serve basis so please apply as soon as possible to see what fund may be available to you.  

Note: Approval of  First–Year Covid Reboot  will be recorded on the transcript. Students should be aware that the previous academic record will appear on the transcript and that graduate and professional schools, as well as potential employers, may average all academic records together. 

First-Year Reboot Terms

  • Initial enrollment at UC as an incoming first–year student Summer 2020, Fall 2020, or Spring 2021  
  • GPA: The student’s cumulative University GPA was less than 2.00
Academic Reboot Approval
  • Applications will be sent to the student’s college for review and will be considered in accordance with procedures and any additional guidelines of that unit.  
  • Degree–granting units may not grant a First–Year Covid Reboot to any student who fails to satisfy the minimum qualifying criteria.  
  • If a request for First–Year Covid Reboot is denied by the student’s college, the student may file an appeal with the college and a decision will be considered based on holistic data. A student may also choose to apply for a program change to have their application considered by another college. 

Any questions should be directed to advhelp@ucmail.uc.edu.Replace this text component with your accordion's content.

The UC grade replacement policy allows a student to repeat University of Cincinnati coursework, with the final grade awarded for the most recent class enrollment calculated into the cumulative grade point average rather than the final grade awarded for the original class enrollment. 

Note: grade replacement for repeated courses is not available for graduate courses

The following rules apply to the Grade replacement process:

  1. The total number of replaced University of Cincinnati credit hours may not exceed twelve (12) undergraduate semester hours.  Students may repeat up to a maximum of four (4) undergraduate semester courses. If you have questions regarding whether you are taking the appropriate course please consult with an academic adviser.
  2. The number of credit hours replaced is based upon the sum of the credit hours associated with the original class.  Both the original and the repeated class are designated on the student's transcript as "Approved Grade Replacement."  Only the final grade awarded to the most recent class, however, is calculated into the cumulative grade point average.  If the final grade received for the repeat class is a lesser grade than the final grade awarded for the original class, that lesser grade will replace the original grade in the grade point average calculation.  In instances where quarter credit hours are replaced by semester credit hours, excess hours previously earned will be reported as "progress" hours and will be included as "N" hours.
  3. University of Cincinnati requires students to register and pay tuition whenever repeating a class.  Instructors may not alter a previously-assigned "I" grade, or any other letter grade previously reported, by allowing students to repeat classes without registering and paying tuition for those classes.
  4. The student must complete a "Grade Replacement Application" form and submit that form to the College office offering the current class.  The College will review the grade replacement request and forward approved grade replacements to the Registrar's Office for processing.  This approval process ensures that the requested replacement class is academically appropriate to serve as a replacement for the original class, even if this replacement class is offered by a different UC college or within different term calendars.  The grade replacement application is available from the College offices.
  5. Once the student has submitted the form, thereby identifying the intent to use the current or most recent class for grade replacement, that decision is irrevocable.  In the case of a current clas, if the student withdraws from the class after petitioning for a grade replacement, that class does count towards the maximum number of classes that the student may repeat— but the "W" grade resulting from the withdrawal does not replace the final grade awarded for the original class.

If the student does not submit the required grade replacement application for the specific class(es) desired, both the original class final grade and the repeated class final grade will be calculated into the student's cumulative grade point average.  

Grade Replacement Forms can be picked up in your Student Service Center or at the One Stop Center.

Full information on Grade Replacements can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website.

Academic Good Standing
Good standing indicates that the student is meeting the minimum academic standard for retention by the University. A student is in academic good standing as long as the student's UGPA is 2.0 or greater. Once a student has attempted thirty (30) or more semester hours, all University academic rules apply.* To meet graduation requirements, the student must have a minimum UGPA of 2.0.

Note: Several UC Colleges also have additional academic requirements to remain in good standing within that college and to remain eligible to pursue programs within that college. Students are advised to contact their college for those requirements.

Academic Alert
An Academic Alert email is sent to any student whose cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0, but who has not yet attempted at least thirty (30*) University of Cincinnati semester credit hours. An email is sent to serve as a reminder that continued below-average academic performance may result in Academic Probation, and possibly Academic Suspension in later terms. An Academic Alert is not the same as being placed on Academic Probation; it is simply a means to direct the student toward academic improvement.

Academic Probation
Academic Probation is intended to inform students making unsatisfactory progress of their need to alter study habits and seek additional academic advising. Early recognition will indicate to the student the possible jeopardy to academic goals and will allow an opportunity to demonstrate acceptable performance.

For a student to be placed on Academic Probation two things must occur. First, the student must have attempted at least 30 UC semester hours. Second, the student's UGPA has dropped below 2.0.* While on Academic Probation, the student must earn a term GPA of 2.0 or greater. Academic Probation will continue until the UGPA reaches 2.0 or greater. Once that condition is satisfied, the student will be returned to Academic Good Standing.

Academic Probation is not posted to the student's official UC transcript but it will be noted on the student's term grade report. A student may not graduate from the University of Cincinnati while on Academic Probation.

A student's class enrollments for the subsequent term are not affected by being placed on Academic Probation. Given this fact, Academic Probation is not an appealable academic standing. Faculty grade changes will affect Academic Probation.

Academic Suspension
Academic Suspension is posted to a student's official record if a student currently on Academic Probation fails to earn a term GPA of at least 2.0. This is reviewed at the end of each term.

The length of the Academic Suspension is three full semesters (i.e., one academic year).

A student serving Academic Suspension may not enroll in classes offered by any other academic unit at the University of Cincinnati during the suspension period. If a student has already registered for classes for the subsequent term prior to being placed on Academic Suspension, those classes will be administratively dropped (i.e., enrollment is cancelled).

Readmission after the mandatory suspension period is not automatic. Suspended students must petition for readmission after serving the suspension period. The suspended student must submit an application for readmission supported by a letter documenting the reasons for the previous academic difficulties, and a college-approved plan for achieving a UGPA of 2.0 or greater.

At the college's discretion, college approval may require the student to satisfy certain specified conditions. A student may not graduate from the University of Cincinnati while on Academic Suspension.

A student who is approved to return to UC after the mandatory suspension period will be placed on Academic Probation. The student will remain on probation until the UGPA has increased to 2.0 or greater. Once that condition is satisfied, the student will be returned to Academic Good Standing

Academic Dismissal
A student who is readmitted to the University following Academic Suspension will be reinstated on Academic Probation. While on Academic Probation, the student must earn a minimum term GPA of 2.0 to continue enrollment. A student on Academic Probation following Academic Suspension who fails to earn a minimum 2.0 term GPA will be academically dismissed from the University.

Should the student's UGPA ever drop below 2.0 after returning to Academic Good Standing, the student is subject to Academic Dismissal at the end of any academic term in which the UGPA drops below 2.0.

Academic Dismissal permanently denies all future registration privileges at the University. Dismissal is the most serious academic standing classification denoting a repeated failure to meet minimum university academic standards. Therefore, as a matter of general policy, students are not eligible for readmission to the University of Cincinnati following Academic Dismissal.

Academic Dismissal is recorded on a student's academic transcript. A student may not graduate from the University of Cincinnati upon being academically dismissed.

Students may withdraw from classes through web registration if the instructor permits web withdrawals (refer to the instructor’s class syllabus). Students and instructors both will receive e-mail notification of the withdrawal. Students are assigned a “W” grade at the time of the withdrawal, but instructors reserve the right to change the “W” to an “F” through the final grading process.

Full withdrawal procedures can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website.