UC Clermont

Undergraduate Research Center

Supporting students, mentors, instructors and alumni.

The Undergraduate Research Center was formed in 2016 as a part of the UC Clermont College's academic master plan.

Our Mission

The Undergraduate Research Center seeks to engage students in a critical assessment of our world and to create a transformation of our understanding of that world through research. We do this by supporting mentored projects in the lab and in the field as well as creative approaches to discovery in the classroom. We provide a shared experience in introductory scientific methods, consulting and collaboration for research projects, and funding for student travel to professional conferences.

It is not the result of scientific research that ennobles humans and enriches their nature, but the struggle to understand while performing creative and open-minded intellectual work." (Albert Einstein)

For Students

We offer advising, skill development workshops, financial support and recognition through student spotlights and awards.

For Mentors

We provide links to your personal web page so that anyone interested in undergraduate research at UC Clermont has easy access to your activities.

For Instructors

We support in-class research projects, writing across the curriculum and low-key, in-house poster sessions.

For Alumni

We encourage life-long relationships. Collaborate with us on a workshop or research project.