UC Clermont

Nicole Short

From Playroom to Courtroom

How UC Clermont helps student and mom Nicole Short pursue a paralegal profession.

During the five years when Nicole Short was a stay-at-home mom to her two young sons, she wasn't sure what her future held. Though she had previously completed a few college classes online, earning a degree seemed to be out of reach. "I never thought I would be able to get my bachelor's degree," Short says. "The cost of tuition and my need for a flexible schedule seemed like real obstacles."

But the Florence, Ky. resident had developed an interest in law from her early work in a collecting agency, and when she heard about UC Clermont College's Paralegal Studies program, she saw a path forward. "The tuition is so affordable," Short says. "I was definitely looking to save money, but wanted a degree from UC. And my class schedule — on campus and online — is so convenient to my kids' school and my husband's work demands."

What really swayed Short to UC Clermont, though, were the people. "I came to campus, and everyone was so friendly and helpful," she says. "It helped me to feel like getting my degree was doable."

Since Short started the paralegal program last fall, she says the variety of classes has helped her explore which areas of law intrigue her most, and her favorite course, Law Technology, sharpened the technical and computer skills she'll need in the field. Short is currently interviewing with several law firms for a summer internship position and plans to transition to Main Campus next spring to earn her dream of a bachelor's degree. She's excited about working full time as a paralegal in the future, and says she may even take the LSAT and consider law school once she's completed her undergraduate education.

"The program is very demanding, but worth it," Short says. "When I go on interviews, I'm very confident in the education that I've received at UC Clermont. And I hope I'm teaching my sons that they can achieve their goals, too."

This story was originally published in spring 2017.