UC Clermont

Technology Policies


Table of UC Clermont technology policies
Number Policy Name & Download Link Status
034.TS.001 Computer Use Approved
034.TS.002 Technology Purchases Approved


Table of UC Clermont technology procedures & guidelines
Number Policy Name & Download Link Status
034.TS.101 Computer Replacement Approved
034.TS.102 Printer Support Approved
034.TS.103 Instructional Software Budgeting Approved
034.TS.104 System Security Approved
034.TS.105 Malware Protection Approved
034.TS.106 Production Server Instructions Approved
034.TS.107 Data Classification Approved

Procedures for Technology Services Staff Only

Table of UC Clermont technology procedures for Technology Services staff only
Number Policy Name & Download Link
034.TS.202 License Management Approved
034.TS.203 Software Updates and Patches Approved
034.TS.204 Vulnerability Reporting and Remediation Approved
034.TS.205 Hard Drive-Data Storage and Destruction Approved
034.TS.206 Analysis of Support Trends Approved
034.TS.207 Disaster Recovery Approved