UC Clermont

Technology & Health Information Systems

hands typing on laptop keyboard next to stethoscope

Welcome to the Technology and Health Information Systems Department, where students receive innovative education in four key program areas: business applications, digital media, health information management and information technology.

Through these programs, we provide our students with skills that are highly sought after in the contemporary workplace.   

Our department offers a wide array of programs designed to meet the dynamic demands of today's workforce. Whether you are aspiring to earn a bachelor's degree, associate degree, or a specialized certificate, we have the right pathway for you. 

Our dedicated faculty members, who bring advanced degrees and industry expertise to the classroom, are the driving force behind our success. Our faculty ensure that students receive a quality education by designing our courses based on the Quality Matters standards. 

Flexibility is essential for today's learners. Our department offers multi-modal courses that allow students to choose from online, on-campus and Hy-Flex options, providing a learning experience tailored to meet student needs.


The mission of the Technology and Health Information Systems Department is to empower students with a transformative learning experience. We are dedicated to helping our students cultivate a strong technical foundation while providing them with a high-quality learning experience that focuses on the significance of lifelong learning. 

We believe in fostering the development of well-rounded individuals who are not only technically adept but also committed to continuous growth. Our mission extends beyond the classroom to prepare students for a lifetime of adapting to the ever-evolving worlds of technology and health information systems.


The vision of the Technology and Health Information Systems Department is to provide learners with quality, innovative learning opportunities focused on technology and health information systems. Our vision is to lead the way in fostering innovation and continually adapting our programs to mirror the dynamic industry trends and demands.

Department Information

Department Chair

Headshot of Karen M. Lankisch

Karen M. Lankisch

Dr, CC Health Information Technology

285 CC West Woods Acad Cntr

Karen Lankisch, RHIA, CHDA, CPC, CPPM, CEHRS has been working in higher education for over 25 years. She has over 10 years’ experience working in a variety of healthcare settings. I have a Ph.D. in Education, a M.Ed. in Education as well as a Bachelor of Science in Business, and a Post-Bachelor Certificate in Healthcare Management. She has experience developing online courses and programs. Dr. Lankisch is a Quality Matters Master Peer Reviewer and an APPQMR face-to-face and online workshop facilitator. She has served on the panel of reviewers for the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) since 2016. Dr. Lankisch has co-authored two textbooks and is a contributing author for Health Information Technology. Her education research interests are emerging technology, online course design and constructivist approaches to adult education. In healthcare her area of interests is EHR systems, healthcare analytics, and quality of healthcare.

Program Manager

Headshot of Dayna Brown

Dayna Brown

Program Manager, Technology & Health Information Systems Department and Science & Health Department
