UC Clermont

Data & Statistics

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness assists with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data about UC Clermont College and provides information to support college-wide planning and decision making. Read more about our mission and goals.

Potential students, parents, guidance counselors, recruiters and members of the community can use this information to learn more about UC Clermont. For a quick overview, be sure to check out our fast facts.

Graduation Rates (Student Right-to-Know Statistics)

Graduation rate reports follow the first-time, degree-seeking student cohort beginning in fall term through a specific period of time. The U.S. Department of Education Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) graduation rate for UC Clermont includes full-time students who complete a degree or certificate at the same institution within three years. The IPEDS Outcome Measure is an alternate measure of student success that includes students who are not only first-time, full-time students, but also part-time attending and non-first-time (transfer-in) students, thereby providing a more complete picture of student progress.

Student Fact Books

The University of Cincinnati Student Fact Book contains a variety of data on the student population at UC, including UC Clermont, to help answer common questions about the University.

View the UC Student Fact Book.

Enrollment Reports

UC Clermont's enrollment dashboard includes student demographic enrollment trends as of the census date for each term.

View UC Clermont Enrollment Reports.

Retention Reports

Retention Reports provide Fall-to-Fall retention rates for the first-time, full-time degree seeking cohort. Retention rates are displayed by campus and degree level.



The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) provides information on student engagement, a key indicator of learning and, therefore, of the quality of two-year colleges. The survey, administered to two-year college students, asks questions that assess institutional practices and student behaviors that are correlated highly with student learning and student retention.

  • Key Findings provides a tailored executive summary of institutional and cohort-level results.
  • Benchmark Report provides five groups of conceptually-related survey items in five areas of student engagement.
  • Means Report provides weighted item-level scores with comparison to similarly-sized colleges and the national cohort.
  • Frequency Report provides weighted counts and percentages at the item level with comparison to similarly-sized colleges and the national cohort.  
  • Key Findings provides a tailored executive summary of institutional and cohort-level results.
  • Benchmark Report provides five groups of conceptually-related survey items in five areas of student engagement.
  • Means Report provides weighted item-level scores with comparison to similarly-sized colleges and the national cohort.
  • Frequency Report provides weighted counts and percentages at the item level with comparison to similarly-sized colleges and the national cohort.


The Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) helps two-year colleges focus on the "front door" of the college experience. Grounded in research about what works in retaining and supporting entering students, SENSE collects and analyzes data about institutional practices and student behaviors in the earliest weeks of college.

  • Key Findings provides a tailored executive summary of institutional and cohort-level results.
  • Benchmark Report provides six groups of conceptually related survey items that focus on institutional practices and behaviors that promote engagement among entering students.
  • Means Report provides an average for each survey item that has scaled responses and compares average item responses between member colleges and various groups.
  • Frequency Report provides weighted counts and percentages of the values for each survey item that are useful for understanding how data are distributed across response categories.


The Ruffalo Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) measures student satisfaction and priorities. Students are asked to rate not only how satisfied they are with a particular survey item, but also how important the item is to them on a seven-point scale.

2017 Results

Request Data

Data available through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and the UC Office of Institutional Research, including the Student Fact Book, provide historical and trend reporting for prior terms. Most general information can be found using reports already available on this webpage. Additional data requests can be made through the Institutional Effectiveness Data Request Form. All requests are reviewed to ensure compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 and UC Data Governance and Classification Policies (PDF).


Headshot of Julie Eagen

Julie Eagen

Director, Academic Affairs


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