UC Clermont

Merit Scholarship

High school seniors: You've worked hard all through high school, and we think that hard work should pay off! Details about our Merit Scholarship program for 2024-25 are below. Remember to apply and confirm your admission by June 1, 2025 in order to be eligible.

How to Qualify

Scholarship funds will be automatically awarded to 2025 graduates who meet the following criteria:

$3,000 Merit Scholarship

High school GPA of 3.8 or higher

$2,500 Merit Scholarship

High school GPA of 3.5-3.79

To receive a Merit Scholarship, 2025 high school graduates must complete the UC Clermont admission application and must confirm their admission to UC Clermont by June 1, 2025.

  • Students who enroll on a part-time basis (6-11 credit hours per semester) will receive 50 percent of the scholarship amount.
  • Award amounts will be calculated using non-weighted high school grade point averages.
  • Grades reported to UC Clermont as of June 1, 2025 will be used to determine scholarship awards.
  • Scholarships are divided between fall and spring semesters.
  • Students receiving tuition remission from UC are not eligible.

For more information, contact Admissions at 513-558-8316.