UC Clermont

Student Government

Student Government Representatives

Ethan Arguello

Vice President
Luke Dicristoforo

Jenna Hoelmer

Cori Lent

Mission Statment

The Student Government at UC Clermont College is a distinguishable and engaged governing body that works together to improve each and every student's daily Cougar experience. Student Government also serves as the official voice of students in the governance process at UC Clermont and at the same time maintains collaborative relationships with faculty and staff. Student Government is elected to represent the Cougars. Therefore, we exist to empower our student body to raise their voices and to be brave to make innovations. At UC Clermont, we involve students through outreach efforts, college reports and student feedback, which are used in the improvement of legislation and policies. In addition, working with faculty & staff. Student Government makes changes dedicated to improving the student experience based on identified student needs.

UC Clermont Student Government fosters a campus setting built on community, integrity and respect. We promote a culture of respect, and encourge students to achieve their academic, personal and extracurricular aims. Furthermore, Student Government also provides opportunities for students to become leaders of the campus and develop many interpersonal skills. At UC Clermont, we, as your Student Government, govern with enthusiasm, honor and integrity. We support for all of our students with respect to differences which may include but are not limited to age, disability, ethnicity, family status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and veteran status. Go Cougars!

Contact Information

To contact UC Clermont's Student Government, please email ClermontSG@mail.uc.edu