UC Clermont

UC Clermont Interviewing

Very few people will say that interviewing is their favorite thing about the job search. But, interviewing doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking either. By preparing ahead of time and working with the Career Services Center, we can help you conquer your job interview jitters with:

Interview Basics

Not sure how to research your interviewer? Need help figuring out what to wear, where to go, and what types of questions you should ask? We can answer all your interview questions and cover the basics of what it takes to ace an interview.

Mock Interviews

Practice with a career coach. Get comfortable answering and asking questions. Mock interviews can cover all interview types, from Skype to phone and group interviews. We can help you understand each type of interview and how to play to your own strengths no matter what you encounter.

Interview Room

Need a place to interview? Book the Career Services Center Interview Room. Our interview room is outfitted with a computer, large wall-mounted screen, web camera and internet access. 

If you have any questions, about our offerings, schedule an appointment with us, and be sure to check our Resource Library for more great tips on how to interview successfully.