UC Clermont

Be a Student Coach

Job Shadowing 

One of the best ways for students to get a glimpse of what's on their career horizon is to experience a day at work. Job shadowing is a workplace experience that allows students "shadow" a professional — giving them a glimpse into the daily routine of a particular job. Students get a chance to see someone actually doing a job that is of interest to them, and you (alumni) have an opportunity to share your personal story.

Job shadows can be anywhere from two to eight hours in length (or longer, can be customized to your preference) and are unpaid, observation-only experiences. If you are interested in hosting a UC Clermont Job Shadow, please contact the Career Services Center.

Job Shadows are open to all programs, and all majors.

Informational Interview

Informal interviews are a great way for students to ask alumni questions about their career journey. When a student is able to converse with alumni who have professions that line up with their career goals, they are able to gain valuable insight, such as recommended education/real-world experiences, job prospects, average salary and more! Similar to job shadowing, students have an opportunity to have a unique glimpse into different careers of interest, through our UC Clermont alumni sharing their stories.

Although much shorter than job shadowing, informal interviews often vary in length, and function more like a conversation than an actual interview. Thus, the length depends on the conversations had during the interview. 

If you are interested in hosting an Informal Interview, please contact the Career Services Center.