UC Clermont

Group Review Sessions and Tutoring

Group Review Sessions (GRS) are small study groups that meet each week to review content that is covered in your lecture that week.


  • Students work together on topics in small groups led by a peer leader
  • Session topics focus on what is covered each week in class
  • Sessions meet virtually via Teams and are offered mornings and evenings multiple days a week

Benefits of Attending

  • Students who attended GRS last year had a higher average grade than non-users
  • Students who attend the most Group Review Sessions get the highest grades
  • Students who start attend tutoring earlier in the semester earn higher grades

Courses Supported*

  • AIS3090 Applied Data Analytics
  • BANA2081 Business Analytics I
  • BANA2082 Business Analytics II
  • BAT1013C Intro Software Apps
  • BIOL1081 Biology I
  • BIOL1082 Biology II
  • CHEM1020 Intro to Bio(Chem)
  • CHEM1040 General Chemistry I
  • CHEM1041 General Chemistry II
  • CHEM2040 Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM2041 Organic Chemistry II
  • IS2080C Digital Tech in Business
  • IT1090C Computer Programming I
  • IT2040C Fundamentals of Web Development
  • MATH0030 Fundamentals of Algebra
  • MATH0031 Introductory Algebra
  • MATH0034 Intermediate Algebra
  • MATH1008 Foundations of Quantitative Reasoning
  • MATH1022 Trigonometry
  • MATH1044 Applied Calculus I
  • MATH1045 Applied Calculus II
  • STAT1031 Introduction to Statistics
  • STAT1034 Elementary Statistics

*varies each semester

If you are enrolled in any of the above courses, you will also receive emails each week with information of the upcoming Groups Review Sessions. Please email UCCLearnTogether@uc.edu if you have any questions.