For Parents
Sending a son or daughter off to college? What an exciting time for you and your child! It can be a confusing one as well, especially if this is the first time you are sending a child to college.
We've put together this list of links to information we think you will find most useful, and added a few helpful hints as well.
- Frequently Asked Questions PDF (about attending UC Clermont College)
- Things You Should Know PDF (about Clermont and college in general)
- Financial Aid and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Your son or daughter must fill this out every year they expect to need financial aid, not just when they first start college. Please see the You Should Know link and read the section on Financial Aid. - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
We know you love your kids. We know you want to help them. But part of sending a child off to college (even if they still live at home) is letting them learn to do things for themselves. And, while we appreciate these helpful instincts on your part, we must comply with FERPA regulations.
In practical terms this means:
- We cannot tell you your student's grades or whether they are attending class or not. Please see the You Should Know link and read the section on Grades & Bills.
- You cannot make their advising appointments.
- You cannot change their class schedule or register for them.
What parents need to know about FERPA - Winter Weather Closing
Please feel free to cruise our web site and check out all the student links. You'll learn a lot about us and what we offer our students. Then you will be prepared to give your student advice!
P.S. Your son or daughter will be a University of Cincinnati student if they attend Clermont College. They will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a UC student. That means use of all university resources, participating in any university student organization or event, and graduating with a diploma that reads "University of Cincinnati."