UC Clermont

East Fork Journal

East Fork is a UC Clermont student run, student edited online literary journal featuring poetry, short fiction, short non-fiction, original music, and original visual art. East Fork has been an active journal for ten years, publishing bi-annual issues every Fall and Spring semester.  

East Fork is a wholly online journal featuring work from current and former UC Clermont students, as well as students at two-year colleges nationwide.

For more information regarding the East Fork site, please contact:

Headshot of Phoebe P. Reeves

Phoebe P. Reeves

Prof., CC English


Headshot of Stephanie Alcantar

Stephanie Alcantar

Assistant Professor, CC Foreign Language



Stephanie Alcantar holds a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of Cincinnati. She completed her BA in Applied Mathematics from the Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango in Mexico before moving to Cincinnati to complete her MA in Spanish at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Alcantar has published five books of poetry and the book El orden del infinito: relectura de un tema borgiano. Her research consists of a semiotic study of mathematical concepts and their relationship to literary works. It focuses on hybrid texts, which are those that develop new meanings and unprecedented aesthetical experiences from the resignification of mathematical concepts.

Dr. Alcantar has taught Latin American Studies, Hispanic and Chicano Literature, and Spanish at the University of Cincinnati and Miami University.

Her creative writing is included in magazines and anthologies published in Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Poland, Mexico, and the United States.

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