Police Academy
Enrolling in the Police Academy (OPOTA)
Enrolling in the academy has additional admissions requirements. You should start well in advance of the semester in which you would like to start training.
- Students can enroll in the police academy (OPOTA) without being in the Criminal Justice degree program. Students enrolled in the OPOTA certificate are eligible for financial aid.
You must complete the entire academy and pay all your fees in full before you will be eligible to sit for the OPOTA exam. The OPOTA exam is given to your entire class at the same time.
- Many municipal police and sheriff's departments require officers to be at least 21 years old when hired. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you turn 21 by the time you graduate from the academy, before you take your OPOTA certification exam.
Students who wish to pursue a career in the Ohio State Highway Patrol should apply directly to them. The Ohio State Highway Patrol requires all candidates to attend their live-in academy.
- If you have been convicted of a felony or domestic violence, federal law prohibits you from acceptance into the academy.
- If you have been convicted of two or more DUIs you will not be accepted into the academy.
If you are uncertain if this may apply to you, please contact the academy commander to discuss your situation.
Apply for admission to Clermont College.
- If you are already currently a UC student at Clermont College or any other UC college, you don't need to re-apply.
- If you are not a Clermont student, you will want to transfer your enrollment to this college; otherwise you will pay the higher tuition of whichever college you are enrolled in.
- Download and complete the Student Information Sheet.
- Once completed, mail it to the academy commander at:
Bill Dunkman
Police Academy Commander
UC Clermont College
4200 Clermont College Drive
Batavia, OH 45103
Tel: 513-558-7408
Fax: 513-732-5304
Email: william.dunkman@uc.edu, clc-policeacademy@uc.edu
Completing the Student Information sheet:
- alerts the commander to your intention to attend the police academy
- gets your academy files set up
- starts your academy admission process.
Please note: Admission to the college and admission to the academy are two separate things. Admission to the academy has additional requirements that you must meet.
Academy courses are held at*:
Clermont College Police Academy
UC Clermont Campus
4200 Clermont College Drive
Batavia, OH 45103
*Firing range, driving practice and physical conditioning may be held at other locations.
The University of Cincinnati reaffirms its policy that discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or gender identity and expression shall not be practiced in any of its activities.
University Rule 3361: 10-13-01