Business & Law Faculty
Department Faculty Information
Department Chair
Program Manager
Department Personnel
Jeffrey C. Bauer
Dean, CC College
A. Page Page Beetem
Assoc Professor, CC Paralegal Studies
272C CC Snyder Addition
William Edward Dunkman
Program Director, CC Police Academy
Greg A Harrell
Asst Professor - Educator, CC Pre-Sport Administration
CC West Woods Acad Cntr
Seth J Powless
Asst Professor - Educator, CC Supply Chain Mgmt Tech
CC Facil Mgmt Bldg
Brad Price, CPA
Asst Professor, CC Accounting
CC Facil Mgmt Bldg
Brad is a proud United States Marine Corps veteran and is committed to giving back to his community and the University. Brad is a member of the Ohio Society of CPAs, is chair of the UC Clermont Faculty Affairs Committee, and is involved in many college and university-wide initiatives. Additionally, Brad currently serves as the Program Director, Applied Administration, Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies (BTAS) program.
Arif Sultan
Asst Professor - Educator, CC Economics
CC Student Services Build
Wantanee Suntikul
Assoc Professor - Visiting, Hospitality Management
Wayne Wallace
Assistant Professor, CC Criminal Justice
CC Facil Mgmt Bldg
William L Wise
Assoc Professor, CC Marketing
272G CC Snyder Addition