UC Clermont

Success Stories

Cheryl Stacy

I graduated from the UC Paralegal program in 2007. Because UC's program has got to be one of the best, if not THE best, I was promoted at the law firm where I worked and given a lot of responsibility. I now work in the Property & Casualty Legal Division of Great American Insurance Company in the corporate headquarters downtown. I hope to stay here until I retire. I could not have made it this far without the post-baccalaureate certification in paralegal technology from UC Clermont. The teachers are amazing educators. I enjoyed my time at the UC Clermont campus.

Andrew McAfee

I started at the University of Cincinnati Clermont College right after graduating high school. Ever since I was young I wanted to be a lawyer, but I didn’t want to wait till law school to take legal courses, so a Paralegal Studies degree was a perfect match. Paralegal courses are both strenuous and fulfilling. Students are expected to learn legal principles that comprise our legal system today, as well as concentrations such as Criminal Law and Tax Law.

We live in a country that established a legal system that is practical, but intricate. The courses at Clermont College aim to untangle and clarify this system, and with time and perseverance, this can be accomplished. Combine this with real-world job experience, and they mix together to create a stable, fulfilling career.

In the fall of my final year at Clermont College I was offered a job at Thomas & Thomas Attorneys At Law. Their firm focuses on debt collection and creditor’s rights, as well as a small amount of bankruptcy. When I first began I was hired on to assist paralegals, but quickly moved up to become the Commercial Paralegal. But I do not plan on stopping my education. I hope to further pursue a bachelor’s degree in Paralegal Studies, and then apply to Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University.

Lisa Leffler

As early as starting high school, I knew I was interested in a career in the legal field. However, I had my oldest daughter while I was in high school and found it necessary, as a single mom, to enter the work force right away. I was fortunate to land an entry level position as a legal secretary at a general practice law firm right out of high school.

Over the next four years, I gained insight into various areas of law and knew this was the right career for me. I then went to work for a small domestic relations firm for the next 10 years.

After 14 years of working in law firms, I made the difficult decision to focus my energy on other areas of law. I took a corporate legal position with a local energy company. Shortly after my arrival in my new position, I was asked if I had interest in pursuing my paralegal degree. I was advised that in order to progress in my career with this company, it was a requirement that I obtain a paralegal degree from an ABA-approved paralegal program. These requirements were specific and no other paralegal program would be accepted for promotion. I jumped at the chance! I finally had a way to pay for my education through a tuition reimbursement program sponsored by my company. I then began my quest to find an ABA approved paralegal program. I was looking for a program that would allow me to be close to home so I could continue to work and take care of my family while earning my degree.

I attended an open house at the UC Clermont campus, and I immediately felt right at home. The open house allowed me to hear the passionate stories of other paralegals having completed degrees at UC Clermont, as well as affording me the opportunity to meet some of the professors from the program. The ABA-approved program at UC Clermont provided me with the skills necessary to continue to learn and grow even within my already established career. The courses were challenging and interesting and provided me with the knowledge and capability to take my career to the next level.

I can truly say UC Clermont provided me with a top notch education, and the professors in this program are some of the most dedicated on the campus. I am now working for a fortune 500 global consumer products company in the litigation area. I know without UC Clermont’s paralegal program, I would not be where I am today.

Gigi Borova

I am an attorney from Turkey and came to the United states five years ago to learn English. In Turkey, I studied civil law but my desire to learn common law and to be a part of the US legal system brought me to America.

After six months, I loved being a new immigrant with a lot to learn from this great country; moreover, I decided to continue my legal career in the US. I chose the paralegal profession for a great start to my career.

As a result of my research on all the paralegal programs, I discovered UC Clermont College was the best fit for me. I liked all the classes I took and all the instructors I had. I learned a lot of principles that now I also accept as my principles. Especially, Introduction to Paralegal was a very helpful class on how to find a job as teaching how to write a resume and a cover letter.

The 200 hours mandatory internship was a great opportunity to start a career. The law firm UC Clermont College assigned me was exactly the one I was dreaming of.

I graduated from the post-baccalaureate program in August 2011. After I graduated I moved to Chicago, and two months after my graduation I found a job in a well-known law firm in Chicago downtown.

I am so glad to be a part of the UC Clermont College and having to know all those well respected professors.

Becky Kern

After spending 10 years at home raising children, I wanted to re-enter the work force, but only part time. Although I have two bachelor’s degrees, and I previously worked in management, I found there weren’t any positions available in the professional realm for someone who had been out of the work force as long as I had.

Many years ago, I had considered going to law school, but decided at the time it wasn’t the best choice for me even though I found the legal field fascinating. I thought about going now, but realized it wasn’t conducive to my family. Then I decided to look into the Paralegal Technology program at UC Clermont. The program and the profession offer the kind of career I am looking for while giving me the balance I need to spend time with and take care of my family.

The ABA-approved program at Clermont is providing me with a solid foundation on which to build my career. The courses are challenging but provide the legal skill and knowledge I will need to succeed, including completion of a 200-hour internship. One of the most unique features of the program, in my opinion, is the dedication of the professors to every student and their ability to succeed. I can honestly say that my decision to enter the paralegal profession and my choice of UC Clermont to further my education are two of the best decisions I have ever made.

Tim Johnson

After almost 40 years working in business management and accounting, I decided that I wanted to pursue a new challenge. I wanted to help others with their problems, including disability, advanced age and other needs. I decided that becoming a paralegal would be a great opportunity to help others.

Paralegal education is a diverse academic experience. Our society requires that every person knows the law. This is often expressed as “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” This American legal concept presents an enormous challenge to the paralegal student because the law of our society is vast and constantly changing. The paralegal student at UC Clermont College is presented with a broad spectrum of available courses; however, the paralegal curriculum is not for those students who prefer to be lectured by a dispenser of knowledge. Paralegal students benefit by how much thought and effort they devote to their education, rather than just memorizing facts.

I am currently working in the fields of Social Security disability benefits insurance, worker’s compensation and personal injury. In Social Security matters, I interview clients, physicians, investigate records, research medical problems and prepare the matter for a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. The first case that I prepared from start to finish resulted in the largest claimant payment that my supervising attorney had won in thirty years’ experience. I later prepared an existing case in which a very young adult, 24 years of age, won disability benefits, which is also very unusual. I enjoy working on these matters very much and do realize personal satisfaction from a successful conclusion.

Brandy Nixon - The Law Office of Ronald A. Mason Milford, Ohio

I have been fortunate enough to graduate from the University of Cincinnati with a bachelor’s degree at the age of 20. I enrolled in college courses while still in high school through a program know as post-secondary enrollment option. UC’s acceptance to the post-secondary program and flexibility of classes allowed me to graduate with my high school diploma and associate’s degree simultaneously.

After obtaining those two achievements, I continued my education at UC. Balancing full-time enrollment while working full time and maintaining a relationship and household was a challenge, but the reward of reaching my goals gave me the strength to move forward. The support of my family and friends, as well as the staff at UC, made retaining a bachelor’s degree at the age of 20 possible and has allowed me to jumpstart my career at an early age.

Heather Hutchens

I entered the paralegal program at UC Clermont with aspirations to obtain a successful career and to enjoy what I do. During the course of my study, I found that I was interested in Bankruptcy and Real Estate Law. I decided to further my education and take the Real Estate Licensing Course while finishing up my associate degree. I never intended to become a real estate agent but to use the knowledge to broaden my career objectives.

Since I have graduated, I have obtained positions in a law firm as both a Paralegal and Property Manager and have become an Ohio Registered Notary Public. I have acquired the best of both worlds through my education and experience at UC Clermont College. I am very happy!

Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.

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